
  1. OUTL4W

    Podcast: Tim Hudson’s Terrible Break

    July 26, 2013 | By RotoRob | comment on this post Kim Hudson (left) has forgiven the man that ruined her husband Tim’s season. After skipping last week because of stupid “real life” issues related to work, we were back for another episode of RotoRob’s Fantasy Baseball Weekly Podcast (heard...
  2. C

    BF3 Military break down of Caspian Border trailer.

    These guys know their stuff!
  3. ★Baller★

    Spring break!

  4. D

    spring break

    k so my spring break starts tomarow, im leaving for Florida and ill be back the Sunday after this one. Obviously i wont by on PS3 and i probly wont be on a pc either because ill have better things to do :) take care.
  5. DM Colt

    SPRING BREAK 09!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    well guys its almost here just wanted to find out what all of yall doing for it....... as for me im going to england for 1 week!!!!!
  6. DM CptReilly

    Winter Break! WWWOOOO!!!1

    OMFG It is finally here. Winter emmer effing break! So what are your plans? Travel? Stay home? Party or spend time with the fam? The CPT officially was done on Wednesday night but my whore teacher lost my paper so I had to redo it and didnt get done until Saturday morning >:[ BUT NOW IM...
  7. O

    Back from break

    sorry ya'll. i just got a laptop so ya, i was fucking around with it. im back 2 socom. btw my mic broke so....beware
  8. X

    Spring Break!!!

    so is anyone going anywhere for spring break, i know im goin to look at schools =(
  9. X

    Winter Break over....

    Well my mom and dad let me be on the computer for Winter Break but seeing how i have school tomorrow i wont be on the site. ill try and sneak on when i can but then i cant be on long. ill still be playing mohh2 so ill see some of u guys there. if i get halo3 tuesday ill be sure to ask u guys for...
  10. DM CptReilly

    Winter Break! WWWOOOO!!!

    Ok, it's finally that time of year, WINTER BREAK! I'm done with finals and I'm all partied out for a while (I broke my 3.5 year non-vomiting streak last night bc after several beers I smoked a MASSIVE cigar in about 3 min... dont ever do that, the vomit was black bc I was drinking Guinness.)...
  11. X

    Dew Circuit Break

    Did any of u guys watch it? well The Myriad won and there pretty good but i woulda guess Them Terribles would of won there like a classy band. The MAterial was not good at all they can hardly play ther intruments. well i cant wait for next year new bands, new competition, new record deal.
  12. DM FlyMEXboy

    I am taking a break.

    well guys i have finnaly decided that i will take a break from video games to start keeping my grades up and improving my english grade, not to join any other clan. i will not permenently retire from games so ill be on once and a while, but ill still be active on the site. Hopefully when i get...