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  1. DM Ryan

    #Playstation Hell Let Loose (console)

    Anyone want to get a battalion together on Hell Let Loose for console Under the classic “DM” name? Add my T17 name: ftsu#3106 Or PSN: ftsu_
  2. DM Ryan

    #GamingNews Welcome to CoDwarfare

    Man, I joined this site when I was 13. That was 13 got damn years ago, cool too see it’s still up and running.
  3. DM Ryan

    Season 6 Confirmed - #Warzone #ModernWarfare

    How goes it dude? Not sure if I remember who you are.
  4. DM Ryan


    I like your smudging style bro.
  5. DM Ryan

    Call of Duty 5: REVIVAL?

    Btw, my PSN is: xDrewciferx (it was my brothers but he doesnt play cod and it had my k/d) Why not? If you can get it started i'll help. But i dont have a mic right now, i lost it when my ps3 broke, but i should be getting a new one this week.
  6. DM Ryan

    Call of Duty 5: REVIVAL?

    Thanks, I really wasn't asking to be in charge btw, I just wanted to play with other dm members again lmao.
  7. DM Ryan

    Call of Duty 5: REVIVAL?

    Anyone down to start up the cod5 clan for ps3 again? I have been playing at allot and its 10x better than mw2. If you havent been playing it, you will be pwned at first like I was but i found my gun and after 3-5 games im doing avg. 4.5 k/d a game. And i have no other game to play besides...
  8. DM Ryan

    Call of Duty 4-PS3

    Yeah you can, unless they patched that er something.
  9. DM Ryan

    Call of Duty 4-PS3

    Alright lmao, thanks man.
  10. DM Ryan

    Call of Duty 4-PS3

    YES! And thank you! lol
  11. DM Ryan

    Call of Duty 4-PS3

    Who play cod4 for the ps3? ONLY reply if you play it. Fealing left out of the clan cause thats the only game i play D:
  12. DM Ryan


    Tripple c's XD Fun time. Marijuana erraday, makes you slow. Marijuana is ok every day ONLY if its winter. Cause its boring as shit.
  13. DM Ryan

    360 Open Tray Issues...

    Meat, how long have you had a ps3!?
  14. DM Ryan

    360 Open Tray Issues...

    "What is love" is the new rick roll.
  15. DM Ryan

    360 Open Tray Issues...

    "What is love" is the new rick roll.
  16. DM Ryan

    For The Cpt

    WINGS WINGS WINGS WINGS WINGS WINGS WINGS Lmao, Winter Olympics..... Rather watch house!
  17. DM Ryan

    Borderlands ( FPS RPG)

    Yeah I rented it, it was aiite.
  18. DM Ryan

    Borderlands ( FPS RPG)

    Yeah I rented it, it was aiite.
  19. DM Ryan

    Sup DM

    What games do you have for ps3?
  20. DM Ryan

    Earth quake in Haiti: Not an accident?

    PWNED. lol Well, if what they are saying it was true it was a side effect of haarp which the us government was talking about testing it out the day before to control natural disasters. If the US gov did do that on accident they aren't just going to come out and say sorry. But FYI the H.A.A.R.P...