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  1. DM ViSiioNaRY

    A good computer at walmart or sams club?

    ok or best buy, wherever i can find one..
  2. DM ViSiioNaRY

    A good computer at walmart or sams club?

    idk, maybe like 6 or 7 hundred to a grand ? but if theres one for like 700 $ and all id have to do is just change a GFX card, id get that.. heres some detailed system requirements im looking for i made a thread on the games site, and...
  3. DM ViSiioNaRY

    A good computer at walmart or sams club?

    Hey so in order to play some games on PC, i have to have some pretty solid system reuirements.. and thats not something you get with laptops... and i dont really know alot about computers "hardware wise" so could anyone tell me if theres any computer at or...