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  1. DM Marine

    360/PS3 Black Ops Clip Thread

    nice clutch i almost had a 1vs5 clutch but i got killed >.<
  2. DM Marine

    say something about the person above you!

    is a private nub :P
  3. DM Marine

    360/PS3 Black Ops Clip Thread

    wow thats one nice montage
  4. DM Marine

    360/PS3 Black Ops Clip Thread

    1. Clips can only be 30sec long 2. Goto and login or create account. 3. You'll then be able to link account with YouTube account. 4. On console select clip then select "render clip" will play through and then be processed. 5. Now should be in my theater...
  5. DM Marine

    Can everyone add

    alright il add you
  6. DM Marine

    say something about the person above you!

    has a kid reading a book in his avatar?
  7. DM Marine

    say something about the person above you!

    lives in UK milton Keynes
  8. DM Marine

    New PS3 BO Commander

    Congratz Tailz! also yea can i have a Tryout to i been waiting a month for a tryout
  9. DM Marine

    say something about the person above you!

    is on life 13
  10. DM Marine

    xbox broke

    lmfao (10char)
  11. DM Marine

    xbox broke

    cool your geting a ps3 :D! add me psn: Marine_Kills_
  12. DM Marine

    DM 360 team..

    i guess so nate
  13. DM Marine

    360/PS3 Black Ops Clip Thread

    zzFGSG1_F5Y i know it aint that of a montage i got 4 blackbirds in that game i wish i could record it but its a 30 sec limit -__- and fail knife at da end :P
  14. DM Marine

    360/PS3 Black Ops Clip Thread

    that was sexy ;)
  15. DM Marine

    PSP NEWS! PSP2 Ad?! :O

    if this is true im not geting da psp2 im saving my money for da new ps3 games coming out :D
  16. DM Marine

    FTB3 Hall of Shame [Clans]

    George lopez Ftw
  17. DM Marine

    MV, Lets friendly talk

    post this crap in their site
  18. DM Marine

    FTB3 Hall of Shame [Clans]

    pineapple is gay....
  19. DM Marine

    Best moments of pwning noobs in RR

    amen. (10)
  20. DM Marine

    Who's the biggest nerd on the DM site?

    lol this is turning into a flaming thread