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  1. DM ViSiioNaRY


    they can crack a window and enjoy some wind on their face. and whats the point off all these discoveries if we cant go there or anything... how bout think of something thatl get us there.
  2. DM ViSiioNaRY


    LMFAO good shit on the iP4L lol haha
  3. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Two Windows 7 Wallpapers

    Hey can you make me a sig ? something like this, colors like this too, with ViSiioNaRY on it. similar to your windows ones, like theme wise and stuff.
  4. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Pearl Harbor 70th Anniversary

    your great grandgather got spawn pwned. and wow no colored text this time.
  5. DM ViSiioNaRY


    Wait so can someone summarize ?
  6. DM ViSiioNaRY


    Lmfao the bush picture.. Oh and just because a planet is more far then it's more in the future or something ?? Wtf
  7. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Cant connect..

    Ok so after downloading something to start the download of the xbl system update, my 360 couldnt do it because after that, it wont connect to xbl anymore... am i the only one having this problem ?
  8. DM ViSiioNaRY


  9. DM ViSiioNaRY

    I've been bullied since the 1st Grade

    i dont think the 2nd video is the kid from the 1st one, so's the rest of the people in the comments thinking it too, and its an upload from a different channel
  10. DM ViSiioNaRY

    I've been bullied since the 1st Grade

    Man this is one good video and messed up story, he just needs to stand up for himself. or find a nice crowd to go with so they have eachothers backs. also trying to adapt and fit in could work maybe if thats the problem with him.
  11. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Happy BDay Batman

  12. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Promotions and Updates

    ok. like around what time'ish ? il be on today, considering i dont feel like doing anything else cuz i was gonna get this new phone but it didnt entirely work out today so dont feel like doing anything else really..... bleah.
  13. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Promotions and Updates

    Thanx and thanx.
  14. DM ViSiioNaRY

    NFS: The Run

    I like how I got banned for calling someone a name, and in the process of banning me you did the same thing. Bann this.. FAG.
  15. DM ViSiioNaRY

    MW3 360 Charlie Squad

    Il be more active my bad, just had alotta hours at work and then after going out there's not time for shit and my bro was using The t.v a lot, but he left for trucking again.. anyways, il be on.
  16. DM ViSiioNaRY

    NFS: The Run

    woah i never saw this post of you calling me a dipshit..
  17. DM ViSiioNaRY


    I think he means on the 360 team its 16 and older..
  18. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Mw3 and BO update

    Can I t.o for the BO team ? Whenever
  19. DM ViSiioNaRY

    MW3: First Impressions/Thoughts?

    They needa tucking did the servers and all the other bs
  20. DM ViSiioNaRY

    Good Viewpoint on "Holiday Trees" in White House

    So true, but i dont see it talking about christmas trees in the white house much