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  1. DM Psycotic

    (SPOILER) The Dark Night Rises Review

    Oh, didn't even think of that. I'll have to watch that again. (robin and the clerk). But someone had to fix the floodlight, so was it bruce? or robin?
  2. DM Psycotic

    (SPOILER) The Dark Night Rises Review

    best movie I have ever seen. I laughed, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time with my heart pounding and I admit that I cried like a bitch. Batman is a BIG part of my childhood and Sir Nolan has DEFINITELY done it justice. Regarding Bane: ALMOST perfect. Not quite the villain from the...
  3. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    I know.. I don't see the point in demolition radar on. especially on nuketown where there's nowhere to hide.
  4. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    what the fuck, nuketown radar ON? What kind of competition is that?! There's no skill in that. No surprise, no action..
  5. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    uh, I'm confused with all these times and time zones. can you all make it at 4:30 Central Time?
  6. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    that ain't very helpful... We'll figure something out. But uh, it seems you and Mich have some chemistry issues going on... that ain't good. remember, it's friendly. don't get your panties in a twist over it, okay guys?
  7. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    quit yappin and tell us when you can get on so we can arrange times for matches. Let me know when you can from now until saturday night.
  8. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    Can't do that. 4PM Central is midnight for me. So, after about 1 am (5PM Central, I can't talk, eveyone is asleep.) I can play with the headset from 11:30 PM Central until 5PM the next day. in ET, I think that 10:30 PM until 4 PM.
  9. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    What time is the psn maintenance? Rob&rico&kinger, is 3 pm central okay? Provided psn is up at that time. Add me: x-Mr_Psycotic-x
  10. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    When does round two start?
  11. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    Me and Kinger beat Gost and Sasquatch. Damned intense games. 2-1
  12. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    We scheduled a match yesterday and we played two rounds. Just before the tiebreaker round, Kinger goes offline. So we then scheduled another match for 3PM central time. Haven't seen him yet though.
  13. DM Psycotic

    Playstation Network Members List

    you forgot me, x-Mr_Psycotic-x
  14. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Signups [Singles and Doubles]

  15. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Signups [Singles and Doubles]

    No.. Can we implement some rules? No Second chance, no rapid fire, no noob tubes, no flak jacket and no warlord. Else I'm gonna rage. And you don't want to make me angry.
  16. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Signups [Singles and Doubles]

    Never played with you before but we can team up. PSN: x-Mr_Psycotic-x What's the weapon rules? Are we just following GB rules? Also, I hope my connection won't just fuck the whole thing up, cause I live pretty far from you guys. I should keep a steady 2 bar though if the host is good.
  17. DM Psycotic

    Kid Dies After 40 Hour Gaming Marathon

    2 years ago i became obsessed with R:R and I wanted to join A2K or DM. I remember once I went for about 20 hours or so. those sleepless nights paid off though cause here I am! But I play PS3 for maybe 9 hours a day now.
  18. DM Psycotic

    Coded A PS3 Jailbreak!

    It's very possible. I have no doubt that this works. I just don't believe that you're the creator. Your friend, maybe did something. You; not so much. But then again, making modded firmware isn't that hard. You just need the right tools, and of course the right keys. Ever since GeoHot found...
  19. DM Psycotic

    Connection Help

    Too many gateways, too much trouble.
  20. DM Psycotic

    Connection Help

    I don't know your life story lol. What kind of school is it? And regarding your statement 'right now they see what im posting', ever heard of encryption? If you're stuck in a public place then you need encryption... Unless you want everyone to be looking in on you, taking your data.