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  1. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops Monday Night

    I got the game from the store, yet my Nuketown 2025 and Zombies Nuketown redemption codes don't work. I got the hardened edition, so im just hoping that maybe the PSN store needs to be refreshed, else I'm gonna be PISSED that I spent extra money for nothing...
  2. DM Psycotic

    User Profiles Return

    Check again. Muahaha:D:rearshock::diablo:
  3. DM Psycotic

    User Profiles Return

    I'm using Chrome... I've been IE free for about 6 years now. haha
  4. DM Psycotic

    User Profiles Return

    BUG Was looking at my profile to see the new change. The drop down arrow images ( at least I think it's a DDA) on the right hand side which expand the stats, friends, etc are broken.
  5. DM Psycotic

    BO2 help

    wave 1 was just a poster you could get with the game. wave 2 is nuketown 2025 which you can get if you pre-order the game.(you'll get a PSN redemption code when you pick up the game) Wave 3 is where you enter the code to choose what you want to get as a bonus. wave 4 is TBA. Go to wave 3 and...
  6. DM Psycotic

    iPhone 5

    it's $450 to preorder from now. Price is probably going to go up on release. With the $199 model, you have to pay a certain amount every month for 18 months i think.
  7. DM Psycotic


    Who the fuck are 'Dirty Old Bastards'?
  8. DM Psycotic

    Modern Warfare 4 confirmed ? Neversoft Developer. Not IW.

    MW revolutionised CoD and pretty much MADE it what it is today... Now, the MW series is just destroying it.
  9. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    tell me a time and i'll be there. probably won't be at my sharpest though and ill be a lil quiet, but oh well.
  10. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    When are we doin this then, lads? And marine?
  11. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    try me ya little shrimp! Like I said last night, I'll lose to Tor, but not to you! Nublet! So when do you guys (and mary) want to do this? I'm gonna be out from 12 PM- 4 pm EST today.
  12. DM Psycotic

    say something about the person above you!

    Is gay but cannot get a boyfriend. It's a hard hard life for him.
  13. DM Psycotic

    say something about the person above you!

    Insults people about their English, but doesn't use correct grammar whilst doing so. hehe
  14. DM Psycotic

    say something about the person above you!

    needs to hit puberty already
  15. DM Psycotic

    say something about the person above you!

    holy shit marine stop fucking things up ya twat. Doesn't realise I was talking about you owning marynoob
  16. DM Psycotic

    say something about the person above you!

    just owned that little shrimp!
  17. DM Psycotic

    say something about the person above you!

    doesn't realise i was talking about Marynub
  18. DM Psycotic

    say something about the person above you!

    is a total fucking noob. I could see it in him since I first met him on R:R. Marynub.
  19. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    REDEMPTION MFKR! Uh According to Marynub, we're up against him and Tor. Mary told me Tor get's on around 8PM EST, so that's a little bit of a problem..
  20. DM Psycotic

    Black Ops July Tournament 2 Doubles Bracket

    Raid and Goal, where are you guys?