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  1. DM RC-blazer

    DM vS iP[MoHH2]1/9/2011

    Nice one! Keep up the good work!
  2. DM RC-blazer

    Funny RC kill by bun

    You called? Srsly tho, that my friend, is funny as hell!
  3. DM RC-blazer

    Hax time baby... PSP CFW.

    I don't know about the most secure console, but on 360 you will get banned pretty quick for modding or hacking, what about Ps3?
  4. DM RC-blazer

    BO 360 GB Record Team 2.

    And that's why I don't GB. >.>
  5. DM RC-blazer

    BO 360 GB Record Team 2.

    Yeah, I was gonna mention that, but I haven't even completed it yet, k? =P
  6. DM RC-blazer

    BO 360 GB Record Team 2.

    Hey, if you guys to training, would you mind if I popped in every now and then? I'm not good enough to be part of the team (lawl) But it would be cool to be able to play with my Bros. =D
  7. DM RC-blazer

    RR hub

    Well thats BS. anyway, can't stay long, doing revision. =/
  8. DM RC-blazer

    CoD or Halo? Which is the better Series?

    Hey fool, at least you can see mine. =P
  9. DM RC-blazer

    CoD or Halo? Which is the better Series?

    Erm, thats not Halo, thats Metoird, this person, totally different person! xD And how is Metroid gay? =O
  10. DM RC-blazer

    CoD or Halo? Which is the better Series?

    What do you mean by gay? and pbs in that other post? :hmmm: But if you mean the characters looks, thety are far in the future and they are super soldiers. But in reach the guys look nowhere as cartoony as halo 3, see here...
  11. DM RC-blazer

    CoD or Halo? Which is the better Series?

    Hmm, I prefer the story of Halo by far, but MW2's campaign, wow, last mission had my heart pumping. xD But COD and Halo are quite different. COD=more on you toes/check out back shooter. Halo=Able to take on whole armies shooter (Which is lucky because you fight a fair few. =P)
  12. DM RC-blazer

    RR ClanWars

    Btw, soory but I won't be able to get on for tonights meeting time, got a cluub going on.
  13. DM RC-blazer


    wtf...srsly, wtf?
  14. DM RC-blazer

    RR hub

    Sorry man, I was told to do revision by my dictators, my mum and dad...But same time tomorrow?
  15. DM RC-blazer

    RR hub

    Well, I did "kick" him from the clan on the game, but I didn't rly, know what I mean?
  16. DM RC-blazer

    RR hub

    Thats cool, tell him I didn't kick him (Because I didn't) I just needed some space.
  17. DM RC-blazer

    RR hub

    I don't think Tom did, thats why I was mentioning it.
  18. DM RC-blazer

    RR ClanWars

    Rzr alt? (10 char)
  19. DM RC-blazer

    RR hub

    We have a full roster atm and the WHOLE of Gaza's roster doesn't even come on anymore apart from bsd I THINK. And Gaza has retired from what I have seen.