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  1. Royal1Wun

    360 Black Ops Players - Read Auto Inv.

    I'm kick ass the mvie
  2. Royal1Wun


    Whatthe fck is a swampert. Man you fucking kids and your platinum and black and white. Back in the day it was blue red green AND yellow. then gold and silver
  3. Royal1Wun


    Damn dude, I miss all those game :( I want a gameboy color with pokemon red
  4. Royal1Wun

    Im New Here

    I'm pretty curious too. Did you search for ps3 gaming clans
  5. Royal1Wun

    Hello DM! :)

    Welcome to my company
  6. Royal1Wun

    Doggy is Back !

    Haha a lot of y'all are falling for his joke. So this guy matured all of a sudden but two weeks earlier talking shit to me unprovoked. Y'all believe this is cute so we should give him ANOTHER chance? A lot of y'all are way to soft like a bunch of vaginas. I don't care if he stays on the site and...
  7. Royal1Wun

    Application for DM

    Yeah I didn't mean too disappear last night but I went on an adventure
  8. Royal1Wun

    Doggy is Back !

    I already said no
  9. Royal1Wun

    Application for DM

    It's ok everybody. I talked to reflex and told him specifically why he's annoying. There were witnessed.
  10. Royal1Wun

    Application for DM

    He will be on tonight
  11. Royal1Wun

    Application for DM

    Fuck I dont care it's toons roster
  12. Royal1Wun

    say something about the person above you!

    Is a guy who will agree with me all the time... Or else
  13. Royal1Wun

    Application for DM

    No you will bow up me and love me to reicEve an sneer from the almighty royal run
  14. Royal1Wun


    Idk but I say we put SKs banner thing at the very top
  15. Royal1Wun


    Only person I see on Reach in DM is EverdreamDR And hes never on...not too sure if hes still DM
  16. Royal1Wun

    360 MW2 team?

    You bought it to play with Macy. We all know it.
  17. Royal1Wun

    360 MW2 team?

    So it looks like the answer is a no we do not have wun
  18. Royal1Wun


    You didnt miss anything
  19. Royal1Wun


    Does it matter. Welcome to the site random
  20. Royal1Wun

    Black ops 360 be on tonight

    I let DM know when I was informed about 2 hours prior to the scrimmage. I'll set up the gb team and we will be doing matches within the week. I'm justgoing to need help organizing and running matches. But yeah toon you were dead tired it's cool. Even tho we did it with mlg rules and they used...