Whatthe fck is a swampert. Man you fucking kids and your platinum and black and white.
Back in the day it was blue red green AND yellow. then gold and silver
Haha a lot of y'all are falling for his joke. So this guy matured all of a sudden but two weeks earlier talking shit to me unprovoked. Y'all believe this is cute so we should give him ANOTHER chance? A lot of y'all are way to soft like a bunch of vaginas. I don't care if he stays on the site and...
I let DM know when I was informed about 2 hours prior to the scrimmage. I'll set up the gb team and we will be doing matches within the week. I'm justgoing to need help organizing and running matches. But yeah toon you were dead tired it's cool. Even tho we did it with mlg rules and they used...
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