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  1. DM RC-blazer

    CoD:AW So what are your thoughts on Advance Warfare?

    Aww man, this PC game, Warframe, has sucked up my life! I still haven't played Halo MCC believe it or not! o.o
  2. DM RC-blazer

    What are you playing?

    Loooool, spam bots thumbed down this comment! :D
  3. DM RC-blazer

    Xbox One owner changes gamertag to ‘Xbox Sign Out,’ trolls Ghosts players hard

    Re: Xbox One owner changes gamertag to ‘Xbox Sign Out,’ trolls Ghosts players h Man that's a clever mofo.
  4. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    Doesn't know that my brother has one on our shared TV. :D
  5. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    Just owned a skrub :D
  6. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    Just served that fool. :D
  7. DM RC-blazer

    Battlefield 4 Naval Strike delayed on PC

    This sucks, I was waiting for this. :(
  8. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    Is an awesome guy and would probably fuck me up in fps's.
  9. DM RC-blazer

    An inFAMOUS Titanfall of a give-away

    Re: Titanfall give-away Damn you guys are just too damn awesome.
  10. DM RC-blazer


    Jesus, Bioschock infinite is an AMAZING game. Oh yeah...sorry for the long hiatus...job and all...
  11. DM RC-blazer

    Website Tweaks / Updates

    pro I love this prestige update! : D I got swag B)
  12. DM RC-blazer

    What are you playing?

    Played the fuck out of the BF4 beta, atleast 15 hours play time....oops.... Still suck at it though, the guns act completely different and barely anyone has defibs. e.e Also I have Pokemon Y pre-ordered, look sooo good. :D.
  13. DM RC-blazer

    Battlefield 4's Beta Starts In October (Also: Rad New Traile

    Re: Battlefield 4's Beta Starts In October (Also: Rad New Tr HYPED SA FUCK!!! Can't wait to use dem boats!
  14. DM RC-blazer

    XBOX One -Battlefield 4 team

    I plan on getting BF4, but I don't plan on getting the Xbone for a LONG time.
  15. DM RC-blazer

    Blazers Birthday!

    happy bday, have a good time. :p
  16. DM RC-blazer


    Sorry I'm late Toon, just got back off holiday. xD Anyway hope you had a good time! :P Happy bday : D
  17. DM RC-blazer

    New Call of Duty: Ghosts game mode ‘Blitz’ revealed

    MEAN WHILE IN BATTLEFIELD 4 ​ Who needs that shit when you have weather changing maps and ships crashing onto dry land?? So. fucking. hyped.
  18. DM RC-blazer

    Website Tweaks / Updates

    Keep up the good work an must take you forever to do these awesome updates. :O
  19. DM RC-blazer

    COD Ghosts

    I don't play CoD anymore and imo, it's what Mw3 really should have been, but enough of me complaining, I hope you guys can get a team going. :P
  20. DM RC-blazer

    District 9 director Neill Blomkamp regards collapse of Halo movie as the biggest stro

    Re: District 9 director Neill Blomkamp regards collapse of Halo movie as the biggest It's NEVEr going to happen is it? ;_; Oh well, D9 was awesome. :D