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  1. DM Poisoned

    Share your PS3/360 MW3 clips here

    Doesn't show up on mobile. Just shows up as a black box. Post a link? Edit: Scratch that, just a lag problem. Still better than Toonami (;
  2. DM Poisoned

    Ashley *High Five*

    Welcome to the site (:
  3. DM Poisoned

    Mitt or Obama?

    Jill Stein 2012
  4. DM Poisoned

    COD Vita!

    Survival is single player. Whaddafuck.
  5. DM Poisoned

    Livestreaming Black Ops Playoffs Right Now

    You have to let us know of this stuff ahead of time -_-
  6. DM Poisoned

    What is DM playing these days?

    Yea. You guys should just hold off on buying a Vita until Killzone comes out. Black Ops Declassified is going to be the worst COD in history. I'll be picking up BO2 and I will be doing GB (hopefully with Bowzer). I get tired of playing MW3 pubs so I just play Minecraft nowadays. My world...
  7. DM Poisoned

    Medal of Honor Warfighter

    LMFAOOO 1+
  8. DM Poisoned

    Visiting Again

    Was poppin lil brah.
  9. DM Poisoned

    First Month

    You're still in high school? I'm surprised. Senior in high school as well. Applying to 3 colleges, and 1 community college if everything else fails (extremely doubt). Rutgers NB is gonna be that wave!
  10. DM Poisoned

    LittleBigPlanet (PS Vita)

    You're so immature, seriously. And Toonami, I was considering buying MOHH. Still a better FPS than R:BS.
  11. DM Poisoned

    LittleBigPlanet (PS Vita)

    Who bought LBP for the Vita? It came out last week, and I bought my copy today. Got to say, the games pretty damn fun, and this is my first LBP experience. The 4 player co-op and level creation really makes this game though. Add me if you haven't already: Childishh Hope to see some heads...
  12. DM Poisoned


    Happy (belated) birthday nub!
  13. DM Poisoned

    How Did You Get into Gaming

    Lets see. First console I ever played was the PS1. Played games like Spyro, Mortal Kombat Special Forces, Crash Bandicoot, all the classics. Then I received a GameBoy advance when it came out thanks to my grandmother. I got a Megaman game, played the shit outta that. Then, got a PSP in 07...
  14. DM Poisoned


    Already accepted.
  15. DM Poisoned

    College vs High School

    Senior. I have 3 AP classes, one Honors class, and the rest are electives. Hopefully going to Rutgers NB. My ACT score (29) and my SAT score (1850, retaking it in October), should be good enough.
  16. DM Poisoned


    I mean if he didn't post this thread, no one would've known he left in the first place haha. See ya I guess.
  17. DM Poisoned

    mw3 dubs

    Why does your GT have so many numbers lol
  18. DM Poisoned

    say something about the person above you!

    Drill Sergeant
  19. DM Poisoned

    New to DeMon.

    Welcome lad. Feel free to add me on XBL, would like to play with some new members sometime.
  20. DM Poisoned

    Metal Gear Solid 5

    Re: Deathrow, prepare thine anus. How can you bash other people for their stupidity and then proceed to claim that Sony DEVELOPS games?