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  1. DM CptReilly

    DM member Theme Songs

    CadetSgtZeroSF - Since I call him "Caddyshack" this is his theme song: Beast - Just another fitting song: BTMN - Workin hard: Meat's Girl - She's...
  2. DM CptReilly

    i want to tryout

    LMFAO at every single response in this thread!
  3. DM CptReilly

    Shoot 'Em Up

    I just saw Shoot 'Em Up again on the big screen for free last night at CU. Even better the second time around. The whole audience was laughing out loud.
  4. DM CptReilly

    DM vs AK 4v4 MOHH2 RESULTS!

    Thursday, January 24 DM's Lineup: CptReilly Dman Marine Beast AK's lineup: I... honestly have no idea, all I know is one of them was TR Takedown. Game 1: They got a capture because I saw both flag carriers fighting, and I accidentally naded Beast and then died, so that was my fault sorry...
  5. DM CptReilly

    I'm thinking about getting a HDTV. Advice?

    I fixed the link to that Costco tv, it's $499 for 32''
  6. DM CptReilly

    I'm thinking about getting a HDTV. Advice? ^How does that one look? I like the price, but I've never heard of that brand lol. There is a list of all their LCD and Plasma tv's if you click electronics > Televisions. (What's the difference...
  7. DM CptReilly

    Shoot 'Em Up

    Do the ratings next to Cave and CK's names mean they rated Shoot 'Em Up a 1 in each category?
  8. DM CptReilly

    Commander Reilly

    Thanks everybody, this really means a lot. I laughed really hard at Cave's comment lmao. And BTMN, let's keep this gravy train rollin'!!!!
  9. DM CptReilly

    Commander Reilly

    As of Tuesday January the twenty-second, in the year of our lord two thousand and eight, THE Captain Reilly is a co-commander for MOHH2. I am really thankful for this opportunity and I want to thank Cave and Btmn for their support. I look forward to Co-leading MOHH2 and continuing our streak...
  10. DM CptReilly

    DM vz FL (7v7) RESULTS!

    9th I'm so glad to have you on board bro, you are an amazing player and a great friend. Thanks for always being ready to fight with us. Our little pistol duels in practice the other night reminded me of mohh1 lol.
  11. DM CptReilly

    Shoot 'Em Up

    Kevin Bacon? This is a different movie, Clive Owen (Sin City, Children of Men) and Paul Giamatti star in this one.
  12. DM CptReilly


    Meat I made a special trip to the store, but I regret to inform you that the fuckin hippies that run the grocery don't carry Boo Berry, not even Count Chocula!!!! What is this world coming to? Listen, I'll keep checking around town though.
  13. DM CptReilly


    Meat, I'll go to the store tonight or tomorrow and check out the situation.
  14. DM CptReilly

    Shoot 'Em Up

    Yeah it has a little bit of everything, lots of action and comedy, some drama and romance. Necrophilia, Infanticide, Body counts in the hundreds, y'know, the usual...
  15. DM CptReilly

    Shoot 'Em Up

    If you are looking for action, and an entertaining movie, look no further. Shoot Em Up offers some well over the top action and a lot of great humor (it is an action movie, but it spends a lot of time making fun of the action genre). The characters are great, the effects are awesome, the story...
  16. DM CptReilly

    DM vz FL (7v7) RESULTS!

    Marine, you did fine, I wasn't watching your every move or anything, but we won, and that alone is proof that you did well lol. I have warred with you before, and you never fail to impress the Cpt. PS - you were voted best player on MOHH2 on FL's site.
  17. DM CptReilly

    Guess this..

    Is the sky blue?
  18. DM CptReilly

    Guess this..

    Osama Bin Ladin?
  19. DM CptReilly

    DM vz FL (7v7) RESULTS!

    LMAO Hova ''deez nuts'' But seriously, great job guys. Everybody did their part, and I was really impressed with our teamwork. This has been a great weekend for wars, let's keep it up!
  20. DM CptReilly

    I'm thinking about getting a HDTV. Advice?

    This one looked pretty promising: The roral can probably be around $800-$900, I really can't spend a lot, rent and tuition are kicking my ass.