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  1. DM CptReilly


    DM4T DM For Today
  2. DM CptReilly

    AAO v DM 8v8

    I'm in there like swimwear. (where is Cave?)
  3. DM CptReilly

    Must See Video

    great idea for a site! I wish I would have thought of that for my systems class :(
  4. DM CptReilly


    LMAO Ren you son of a bitch. Don't let the door hit you in the vagina on your way out!
  5. DM CptReilly

    Morb's top 15 DM OGs

    I miss the dynamic duo too :( come back! Just a "good" commander, eh? JAY KAY! Nice list, the old vets have served us well. Jess has been here a long time too O.o Dman and Blun9er are just as old as me too.
  6. DM CptReilly

    Summer Movie Reviews

    "Into The Wild" Plot: A college grad that has a comfortable life ahead of him is fed up with the material world and decides to give all his money to charity and go balls deep... into the wild. Review: This was an excellent movie, it is on imdb's top 250 and now I know why. It is one oof those...
  7. DM CptReilly

    AAO v DM 8v8

    tdm? that is not a war lol. CTF is a war, we will ctf, or we will do nothing.
  8. DM CptReilly

    AAO v DM 8v8

    Yeah Lollis you have to compromise a little. We can war on monday night, but it will probably be like 5v5 or something, depending on how many we get. And as mentioned above, if you get snipers, we should get nades lol but whatever.
  9. DM CptReilly

    DM MajorTom

    Welcome (back)! Badass name by the way haha
  10. DM CptReilly

    Well, its time to say goodbye...

    Glad to hear it Flip, con't wait to war with you. ILU FLIP ALL HOMO!
  11. DM CptReilly

    DM vs AAO RESULTS (6/25/08)

    3v3 DM: CptReilly, Hova, Chosen1, D3Molish AAO: LilKill4, Neso, Blackout, Inurface (damel01) Game1: I was a bit rusty in terms of killing, but luckily my mates were on point... Hova went sickhouse all over them. We won 3-0 but it was a good game AAO has def improved. Game 2: We were axis...
  12. DM CptReilly

    So,What's on Your Mind ???

    I'm wondering if UC is ever gonna read those plays for me? If he doesn't, I'm gonna fail out of school and be living on the streeet and I'll have to sell my body for crack money... IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT UC?!
  13. DM CptReilly

    COD4 Random Vids

    Cool vids. Nice claymore action at the beginning there Charles, looks like you learned from the master. Shunner got knifed lmao.
  14. DM CptReilly

    Favorite sub chain?

    Cherry comes on to SportsCenter to comment on the NHL sometimes, the man is insane.
  15. DM CptReilly


    He was DM TommyMas, idk what happened or why he got cut but I remember it being some bs misunderstanding. This was back in March I think.
  16. DM CptReilly

    For all curious about Wow

    I'm bi-curious about WoW I dont think my PC can handle it anyway, sorry.
  17. DM CptReilly

    Red vs blue top 20 moments

    LOL I think I should watch that series it looks funny. I liked: "There is no 11 you fucking whore!" the bat speech the needler in the neck "Who's in the lightning round?" "Me!"
  18. DM CptReilly

    Happy Birthday Deathrow And Meat's Girl!

    Happy birthday to 2 of my favorite DM's! DR -.- what can I say? he is a master of haxxxing and he is a badass sniper on cod4. He is legal now ladies, so watch out. Don't break too many hearts DR. Birthday song: Nikki - Pretty much the DM Mom lol...
  19. DM CptReilly

    Summer Movie Reviews

    Speed Racer If you liked the show then you will like the movie. For those who didnt, this movie has something for everyone: Action, comedy, amazing visuals, violence, hardcore lesbian throwdown with Susan Sarrandon and Christina Ricci, etc. A lot of ppl didnt like it but I did, and I always...
  20. DM CptReilly


    Welcome WIZ! I know you are a great player and I think you leaving was just a big misunderstanding. He is always active and I think that's exactly what our mohh1 team needs. Morb if you could try him out that would be awesome, or I can. I'd like to see how he does in a practice too.