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  1. DM CptReilly

    Climate Change: What's Your Stance?

    So in one of my classes today we had a big debate on climate change and how it can be solved. Some ppl said "OMFG climate change is happening wake up assholes" and some said "climate change is bs, you filthy hippy." My proposal was to implement mass-sterilization or unleash a horde of zombies...
  2. DM CptReilly

    Congrats MG!

    Congrats!!!!! Have fun driving and be careful (see youtube video of Shane's truck)
  3. DM CptReilly

    Happy 16th Birthday Jacky Boy!

    Happy Bday you sonuvabitch *smoke martyrdom*
  4. DM CptReilly

    Sex tips from 1894

    Ok if all Canadian women are like MG I need to go up north to find a wife.
  5. DM CptReilly

    No-Shave November O.o

    I don't like it at all, but I started it, and I intend to finish it (you DM's know I never quit!). I'm just dreading going home for Thanksgiving... My Dad is the most straigh-laced, militaristic guy ever, and when he sees this shit on my face, he is going to kick me out of the house lmao.
  6. DM CptReilly

    No-Shave November O.o

    If you haven't heard about this celebration of masculinity, here is what it's all about: I'm at about the halfway point, and Colt wanted me to post a pic, so I did. It looks pretty shitty right now lol but all beards do when...
  7. DM CptReilly

    LeBron dunks from just over the free throw line

    Melo > erebody That dunk was impressive, but Dr. J's was better lol get pooned.
  8. DM CptReilly

    What if YOU were President?

    ugh CK... chloroFORM
  9. DM CptReilly

    Quantum solace 007 review

    Don't describe the twist lol that totally spoils the movie. Thanks Shunner, Ima go see this asap.
  10. DM CptReilly

    '' Your Smiley?? ''

    TWSS ...........
  11. DM CptReilly

    CU vs #11 Oklahoma St. SATURDAY ON ABC!!!!!

    Ok so last year I made a post telling everyone to watch CU's game on ABC even though we were playing #3 Oklahoma... well we ended up winning that game, and it was like one of the greatest moments in my life: This yeah we face a surprising Ok. State...
  12. DM CptReilly

    ROYAL'S ON TV!!!

    AWESOME! Looks like you guys are pumped to advance and I wish you guys the best of luck. And Nick, if you get a through the line... GET IN THE QB'S ASS!!!!
  13. DM CptReilly

    BAWNG! post asap

    LMFAO! :rearshock:
  14. DM CptReilly

    What if YOU were President?

    So today is Veteran's Day, and I had to go to school. My Dad thinks it's blasphemy to have school on that day (he's a Veteran) and so do I. So I got to thinking, if I were President, what would I change? - No school, no work, no nothing on federal holidays. - Make Gingers a protected...
  15. DM CptReilly

    CoD4 Apps.

    YEAH! Our team name will be "Get In That Haggis!"
  16. DM CptReilly

    Tough questions.......Your answers?

    Balla asked for serious answers only!