Recent content by Murf

  1. Murf

    WTF? Spam private messages!!

    This is getting a little ridiculous. I get like 3 emails a day saying I have these PMs.
  2. Murf

    Murf's modded 360 (pictures)

    Sorry about the blurry dark picture... My mom's camera is being stupid... This is the xbox I have been working on in between repairing xboxs. Let me know what you think.... This picture is to show how bright all my green lights are... I have 2 switches on the side of the box(since my box...
  3. Murf

    Opinion on this recent event?

    Well you must not have read the article because they got the glue undone. I'm glad you put alot of thought into your posts. I totally agree tornado, about the Killing because he called me stupid thing... Doesn't matter what someone does. There is not reason to get back at them like this.
  4. Murf

    *Game* Word Association

    ignorant. This should be an interesting thread in about 1000 posts.
  5. Murf

    Opinion on this recent event?

    The girl in the article I posted should just be fined? Let's hear your reasoning for saying this. Because I'm really interested in what you have to say... And I'm glad this post got so off topic and people posted useless stuff. Maybe next time I should put a bold statement at the top...
  6. Murf

    Opinion on this recent event?

    Like all of my threads. If you are going to post. Keep it mature. I don't want these pointless 1 sentence posts... I saw this on the internet the other day and wanted your opinion... I'll sum it up for the people who are too lazy to read it.. A man was cheating on at least 3 girls at once...
  7. Murf

    The Hail-nado at the CPT's house.

    The Cat mirror took alot of abuse. Glad everyone is ok though.
  8. Murf

    The Best Gaming Console

    This thread is ridiculous... We have like 6 of them already. And nothing good comes from them because everyone will stick by their consoles and fight about it... I say someone just closes this right now...
  9. Murf

    Can I ?

    If he was banned for that thread where he made personal insults to admins then I say he stays blue.... He looks better in blue than yellow.
  10. Murf

    Future Systemz

    From what I have seen with all the xboxs I've been working with... That 720 would be a 500 dollar bomb. There is no way you could ever get enough air flowing through that thing. It would be a fireball.
  11. Murf

    Toy Story 3 !!!!

    Nothing beats the original.... They got too animated and too just ridiculous. It should be a crime to make sequels of such great movies. I probably won't be seeing it. Unless we have to watch it in class to study the animation.
  12. Murf


    Lucky him for having all that stuff.. All that really matters is how he acts. If he acts differently towards people because of what he has then that's bad, or acts like he should always get everything handed to him. If he's a cool guy with cool toys. Then like I said. lucky him.
  13. Murf

    Points 2 Shop

    giving us your personal link so we can get you stuff? Been done before. And those things have always looked a bit sketchy to me.
  14. Murf

    If Cpt were a kitty....

    hahahahaha When I first saw this title, I thought "He'd be Jessica Alba's........" Because you are just that hot CPT
  15. Murf

    Rap Battles

    10 characters is gay? it's meant to keep people like you from making useless comments that takes up space on our forums. and I love the eminem. Thanks for posting! I have some other rap battles. Let me see if I can find them.