So today my school decided to create a web filtering device. I was just wondering if there is any way to bypass this. It is frustrating to not be able to access some sights that I use on a weekly basis. Any help would be appreciated.
Btw the program/utility is Fortinet. I don't want to get kicked out so don't give me sketchy illegal tips.
When i was in highschool we were only allowed internet explorer but me and my friends got around it. We installed a portable version of mozilla firefox on our flash drives and used the mozilla on the flash drive. However, soon after it was caught on by the IT guys because of some people who went on some website in front of a teacher and the guy snitched out the program.
We had multiple ways to bypass but after a while they just got blocked so we just ended up installing Halo Combat Evolved and Counter strike on our accounts for school and played LAN since all our computers in our school had same internet network.
We had over 500 computers in our school and had at least 3 or 4 lan games going with max players.
Soon after it died out.... then i graduated.
Good luck, but seriously i don't think you really need to bypass anything in school.