Been about 5 months since my last visit.Everytime I visit I forget my previous info.But oh well lol,For those who don't know me,Or forgot me,Im quikshot..Im pretty well hated by certain members,cause I quit this clan for my old clan,But Sh*t happens .Am I correct? Im not one to hold a grudge. But enough about that. Hows everyone? Hope everyone has had a good time this Summer like I did xD. I still game a little,but not that much..Still a ps3 gamer,Even returned to RR to check out the new talent..You DM members who played RR would be surprised at how many players there still are. As for ps3, I don't play as much as I used to,But I still somewhat active.I quit gamebattles,but might return to it on Saturdays and Sundays..I mainly play black ops..But I still have mw3 and other games...Still the same psn..All you ps3 gamers can add me if you'd like...oShiftyyy- Well I'll be on this tomorrow maybe,So peace xD