Bro, i respect your keen interpertation about the bible, However, for a person being gay, is not an abomination. Because a person cant help themselves from being gay. It is not a choice, it is who they are. In contrast proceeding in a homosexual act is a choice to do a sin against God. Whereas the bible says an homosexual is a generic term for men who engage in sodomy. There is a vast division that has lead to many misunderstandings from Romans and Corintheinians explicit condemation of homosexuality.
See that in bold? No offense meant: That is the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard.
What makes people believe that they are gay (because no one is truly gay; homosexuality is obviously unnatural) is the effects of culture upon them. Why is homosexuality a bigger issue now then it was 100 years ago? Because the culture has changed. Homosexuality has slowly grown to be a larger practice: it isn't something you're born into.
According to Leviticus, homosexuality is a sin. However, Jesus never really brings up the topic, right?
Not quite.
Jesus said that he came "Not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it." He was the ultimate sacrifice, in place of the small sacrifices that had been used for thousands of years. So, if he's fulfilling the law, then we can assume that the old rules still apply. Leviticus says that God detests homosexuality, and so it stands.
The thing about gay Christians is this (and I'm not trying to judge, I'm just repeating the Bible): If you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, yet still live in sin (and we've already established that homosexuality is a sin), then you are a liar. Check out Romans 6.
This is not to say that you will never sin. However, because of your freedom in Jesus Christ, you're no longer bound by that sin. Contrary to what people seem to believe, Jesus came to bring freedom, not chains. Freedom from sin, freedom from guilt, freedom from religion. Yes, I said freedom from religion.
Here's the thing, though. If you're a Christian and you're gay, I may disagree with you, but I will not let it hinder our relationship.
Romans 14. If homosexuality is wrong, then the homosexual Christian will answer to God for it. It is not my job to judge him.
I haven't read this topic all the way through, so I'll leave it at this for now.