Urban dictionary lol


DM Daniel PL

The Senior Elite
Console: Headset:
1. Daniel 1557 up, 370 down
This is a difficult name to define because it defies many boundaries of human perception, let alone various languages. One of the closest translations that experts give is God or many other variations of that general idea.
Other definitions are thought to be:
The Great Spirit
Chuck Norris
Despite the fact that various names have been pinned to Daniel, its seems that all of the above examples (including that of God)cannot even withstand the magnitude of Daniel.
The reason this name continues to elude even the brightest of human minds is that the idea of Daniel cannot possibly exist in a dimensional state. Daniel is so powerful, it defies all laws of this or any other universe. Recent studies have shown that people who have attempted to comprehend this name have either disappeared, died spontaneously, or driven themselves into a pertinent state of insanity and/or catatonia. One common belief is that Daniel is possibly the grounds on which everything and nothing is based. It seems to surpass the idea of infinity. Quantum physicists report that this Daniel is Everything and Nothing. It or He is said to have unexplainable connections with the String and Superstring Theories as Daniel resonates within every single layer of the multi-dimensional complex and yet still exists beyond that point which is where scientists have lost the trail. Various theologists and spiritual leaders believe that Daniel is one who is, as ...

2 daniel
Guy who loves sports, drinking and irish punk rock, somehow manages to be appealing to every girl on the planet despite a chronic inability to seal the deal. Will end up being the PE teacher all the unpopular girls have a crush on. Curse his buffness.
(Friend) Hey is that Daniel over there?
(Other friend) Is he wearing a quiksilver t-shirt?
(Friend) No.
(Other friend) Then it's not Daniel.

Post your names


Prestige 7
Console: Headset:
dody 17 up, 13 down
A word that black people use to describe weed, they always use it to try to get me to buy it, ie "Its that straight dody". Every time ive ever bought weed from a black person its always been cheap as hell, sucked very badly and i had to sort through the bag to take out seeds stems and other shit thats in this "dody". For all the hood people out there that are thinking, but its so much cheaper, its really not at all price/weight yes it is cheaper, but price/thc percentage, its actually anywhere from 4-10 times cheaper to smoke dank than to smoke schwag.
Random nig: i got that straight heaters dody
Me: Thats brickweed ?
Random nig: naw playa this that fire fire shit its the best ive had lately.
Me: Well then u get dirt weed and you suck at life.
Random nig # 2: man random nig thats that straight dody,
Me: Random nig # 2, what does dody even mean?
Random nig # 2: it means its the finest around.
Me: f this im out im gonna go pick up a quarter and start blazin.


Prestige 7
Console: Headset:
even better.

. dylan 1405 up, 696 down
Guy with an incredibly huge penis and is totally awsome compared to any bitch ass Russians.

(if you know anybody named dylan next time you see him give him a high five unless your a chick in that case give him a hug but no fatties)
Dylan is that guy at school or in your town that your totally in love or gay for unless your his friend

DM Lordlander

Founding Member
Console: Headset:
kenny 189 up, 72 down
A great guy. Very capable of being a bestfriend. Easy to fall in love with. Super nice, defends girls when needed. Can talk to him for hours on end.
"dude, i talked to Kenny last night for 4 hours"

"You so love him"

"No hes just my bestfriend"

"Yeah, sure"
get this def on a mug
bestfriend amazing boy lover hottie
by Idkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Jan 28, 2009 share this
6. Kenny 239 up, 122 down
A hot guy. Hardworking. Strong.
Dang, look at that guy, i know he is Kenny.
get this def on a mug
hot strong cute kenny sexy
by Omgish Jul 11, 2008 share this
7. Kenny 54 up, 26 down
cool person, very good at life, and just plain awesome
I wish I was Kenny.

The first 4 were about south park so i just did these 3.

DM OldmanJenkins

Console: Headset:

Sexy, without flaw, loving, kindhearted, name for someone that is special to you, thoughtful.

a ridiculously huge cock

1. an awesome dude who could take over the world
3.has tons of friends

god damn this dictionary is pretty acurate


мσѕт dσρє™
Console: Headset:
Alex 3308 up, 1231 down
Someone that is of extreme greatness. Often considered as a god in some religions. Also means cool.

5. alex 622 up, 276 down
the most beautiful person in the world. a little perfect one mostly nice but can have mood swings the softest nicest lips.
alex is my dream
get this def on a mug
al alex lovely perfect beautiful
by bekkkkkk Sep 4, 2008 share this
6. Alex 528 up, 295 down
Best guy ever.
will never leave my side.
i love him with all my heart.
sweet, kind, sexy, gentleman, polite, everyone loves him, smart, always thinks ahead of time and plans everything out.
he will make your heart beat with pide
and shine with happiness which surfaces
with a smile upon your face.
always knows a way to a girls heart.
never pass up an oppurtunity to be with him
as he makes me feel warm.
is a ladies man and is a very naughty boy.
phone calls are alwasy funny as well as msn chats.
cant get him out of my head.
I love you Alex
*sigh* He Is So My Alex =)


Console: Headset:
hahahaahhaaha that got a bit boring to read and it was blatanly obvious even more so that its been written by some goon who hasnt got a clue....but it was all worth it just to read that

DM ToRNaDo412

PSN: xFouR1TwOx
Console: Headset:
yea obviously the names are defined by ppl with the name lmfao

<TABLE id=entries><TBODY><TR><TD class=index>1. </TD><TD class=word>john </TD><TD id=tools_1155645 class=tools>3144 up, 1939 down </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD id=entry_1155645 class=text colSpan=2>a person who uses the services of a prostitute
Police ran a sting on the newcomer johns at the whorehouse
get this def on a mug by Mark Mar 31, 2005 share this
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=index>2. </TD><TD class=word>John </TD><TD id=tools_2962732 class=tools>2317 up, 1266 down </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD id=entry_2962732 class=text colSpan=2>a very extreamly confusing guy. shows that he has feelings for you sometimes, but then might just randomly stop talking to you at any time. veryy flirtatious. manwhore. willll lead you on. halarious. full of charisma. you have to love him. boys are jealous of him. girls are jealous of the girl he is flirting with at the time..
not persistant.
changes moods easily; moody.
greatest, most annoying person on the face of this earth..yet i still want to be with him..

"i am soooo confused about what to do about John..he is great..but confusingggg. he constantly makes me sad, angryy, or depressed. its upsetting. is it worth it??"
get this def on a mug john shawn megan ericka apples speak
by yourmommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyy Mar 29, 2008 share this
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=index>3. </TD><TD class=word>John </TD><TD id=tools_3662474 class=tools>1048 up, 206 down </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD id=entry_3662474 class=text colSpan=2>v. to have a cramp, as in, a painful contraction of the muscle.
Often used to make fun of a person named John, who has lots of cramps.
Running boy 1: Oh, Dude! I'm getting a cramp!
Running boy 2: You mean, you're getting a John.
Running boy 1: Yeah! This John hurts like a bitch!
John: Fuck you!
get this def on a mug cramp pain muscle puke sports
by BrasilStyle Jan 27, 2009 share this
</TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 30px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 10px" colSpan=3><SCRIPT type=text/javascript> GA_googleFillSlot("Define_300x250");</SCRIPT><SCRIPT src="http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads?correlator=1256302876605&output=json_html&callback=GA_googleSetAdContentsBySlotForSync&impl=s&client=ca-pub-4733233155277872&slotname=Define_300x250&page_slots=Define_300x250&cookie=ID%3Da4383159695dea06%3AT%3D1256302675%3AS%3DALNI_MZ8heCODeP8phXYq6FsSR87L8qpOQ&ga_vid=408007219.1256302676&ga_sid=1256302676&ga_hid=1576934923&ga_fc=true&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.urbandictionary.com%2Fdefine.php%3Fterm%3Djohn&lmt=1256302876&dt=1256302876698&cc=100&biw=922&bih=280&ifi=1&oe=utf-8&u_tz=-240&u_java=true&u_h=1024&u_w=1280&u_ah=994&u_aw=1280&u_cd=32&flash="></SCRIPT><IFRAME style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 0px; BORDER-LEFT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; BORDER-RIGHT: 0px" id=google_ads_iframe_Define_300x250 onload=GA_googleSyncAdSlotLoaded(this); height=250 marginHeight=0 src="about:blank" frameBorder=0 width=300 allowTransparency name=google_ads_iframe_Define_300x250 marginWidth=0 scrolling=no></IFRAME>

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=index>4. </TD><TD class=word>John </TD><TD id=tools_2284491 class=tools>1607 up, 1558 down </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD id=entry_2284491 class=text colSpan=2>A man with a very large penis, usually above 6 inches.
"Have you seen Waynes john?
get this def on a mug men john people friends bree
by james sanborn Mar 2, 2007 share this
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=index>5. </TD><TD class=word>John </TD><TD id=tools_3932205 class=tools>236 up, 233 down </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD id=entry_3932205 class=text colSpan=2>An extremely hot guy.
You can't get hotter than John.
get this def on a mug hott nice cute hair funny fine
by hot ice1515 May 1, 2009 share this
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=index>6. </TD><TD class=word>John </TD><TD id=tools_4296783 class=tools>8 up, 19 down </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD id=entry_4296783 class=text colSpan=2>A very attractive guy who is obsessed with Warcraft. Is obsessed with animals and shows about animals. Very forgetful and usually quiet until spoken to. Great guy, cares about his friends, really sweet. At times is completely oblivious to his surroundings, so do not be offended if you say hello and he does not acknowledge you. Completely owns if you get in a verbal fight with him so don't try it. Has an unusual tendency to curl up into fetal position while watching horror movies. Some assume that he is a "creeper", but he really isn't. Likes to wear his mittens while driving. Has a habit of stealing pepper shakers. Completely adorable and great to talk to, definitely worth getting to know. Has the ability to make people smile.
"If he's cool, he must be a John"
get this def on a mug awesome funny odd cool cute forgetful oblivious
by iiilikeitlikethat Oct 14, 2009 share this
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=index>7. </TD><TD class=word>John </TD><TD id=tools_3928295 class=tools>186 up, 185 down </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD id=entry_3928295 class=text colSpan=2>one of the most amazing guys you will ever meet. very sweet. has intendency of being really quiet and anti-social but is surrounded by friends all the time.people get attracted to his unique presonality.confuses you most of the time. he might flirt with you once, but you never know if that will happen again. a ladies-man. veryy moody. he can change his mind in a second. very independent too. lovely in general.
laura: "So you fancy the new guy, john?"
sarah:" i dont know! he flirted with me once but that never happened again, so confused!"

DM Michigan

Founding Member
Console: Headset:
<table id="entries"><tbody><tr><td class="index">
</td> <td class="word"> Robbie </td> <td class="tools" id="tools_3692560"> 60 up, 47 down </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
</td> <td class="text" colspan="2" id="entry_3692560"> A egotisctical bastard who thinks of nothing but getting some action, having a girlfriend at all times, and getting laid. Unaware of his idiocracy he will do ANYTHING to get into your mind, your heart, and your pants. Thinking he has uber stealth skills, he attempts to date and ask out several girls (whom are friends) at a time, unaware that these girls often talk to each other, leaving out no details of his corny-horny texts and love rants. Having all of this happen in the span of one week, he becomes hated rapidly, and talked about behind his back.
Still unaware of the anger projected towards him he continues his foolish plot. Fortunately, he, as will probably happen the rest of his life, will not succeed.

Ex: Pocahontas: Robbie is such a loser!
Summer: OMG I KNOW!!
Lola: I REALLLY hate him. A LOT.
Drusilla: I fucking hate him!
Pocahontas: Bitch, what a firecrotch.
</td></tr></tbody></table> <table id="entries"><tbody><tr><td class="index">
</td> <td class="word"> Robbie </td> <td class="tools" id="tools_3915007"> 30 up, 20 down </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
</td> <td class="text" colspan="2" id="entry_3915007"> The man with abs of steel. Not only is he too sexy for his clothes, but he's smart as hell too. You would want to feel him up. Even if your a guy. ESPECIALLY if your a guy. He's so attractive, he turns straight men gay. Unfortunately, his heart belongs to nobody.

Teacher : You're so sexy robbie, want to go behind the portable and... ahem?

Robbie : No teacher, not only are you a male, but my heart belongs to nobody.

Teacher : *runs out crying*

Hot girl : what about me robbie?

Robbie : No. You may be very sexy and italian, but still... My heart belongs to nobody.

Other kid : wait... If the teacher is gone crying, then who will teach us??


Robbie: fine. but nobody better come on to me...

other hot girls: too late
more... get this def on a mug robbie sexy steel abs smart gay straight men teacher heart nobody italian hot
by MSooRi Apr 24, 2009 share this
</td></tr></tbody></table><table style="width: 197px; height: 337px;" id="entries"><tbody><tr><td class="index">1. </td> <td class="word"> robbie </td> <td class="tools" id="tools_2834630"> 281 up, 110 down </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
</td> <td class="text" colspan="2" id="entry_2834630"> A very nice man who likes to steal obese children from their homes at night, then making them lose weight before returning them back to their parents. Usually unscathed.
"Dude, Billy Jean got robbied last night."
"About time, he was such a fat ass. Hopefully he'll be able to move without needing that forklift when he gets back."

DM phreaK

Clan Enlisted
Console: Headset:
<table id="entries"><tbody><tr><td class="index">
</td> <td class="word"> taylor </td> <td class="tools" id="tools_2625322"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
</td> <td class="text" colspan="2" id="entry_2625322"> someone that is good in the sack
danm he\she was taylor