To all admins, I was wondering if we could bring back the signatures back. I know some people over used the signature spots by putting Yugioh cards and stupid shit in there but it wasn't fair to take it away from all of us. I was hoping we could get DM more into the gaming community again too. And get it as active as it used to be, look at these sites and they use the same exact domain we do theirs is just up to date. We really should clean shit up around here and get DM back to the way it used to be. Bringing back signatures would just be a little new fun thing to have back again and if possible just max the characters and if somebody puts too much in there signature then warn them, if they don't listen then single that person out, not the whole community. I love DM and I really wanna help get us more known. If you want to start getting DM to the top and have the signature spots please say I and i'll put you down on the list. If you don't say No and i'll put you down on the other list.
2.DM -W.iC.k3.D-
3.DM OldManJenkins
4.DM PiiN3aPpL3
5.DM DeadMemories
6.DM Joey8899
7.DM Michigan
8. DM BL4K J4K
9.DM LordLander
10. DM SUP372MA7V
2.DM -W.iC.k3.D-
3.DM OldManJenkins
4.DM PiiN3aPpL3
5.DM DeadMemories
6.DM Joey8899
7.DM Michigan
8. DM BL4K J4K
9.DM LordLander
10. DM SUP372MA7V