
  1. Royal1Wun

    To wun of yall MVs

    Yo I dont remember my login information and my screen name on yalls site is pretty gay... Could wun of yall change it to DM Royal1Wun Password could be anything between 123abc or hardcoreanalsexbaloon
  2. DM Razor_Bladez

    R4z0R dominates wun vs wun

    yea bad quality cell fone pic but poin is i wun 20- 3 n u can see it but da dude wuz tenth 65 even though rank means shit
  3. DMW4L MeatsGirl

    OMg,OMG,OMG, SuM WUn LOVES MG!!!!!!

    OK, OMG, Still have no breath!!!!!!..... so great...... I WANT I WANT I WANT, can't stress that more.... who wants it , and is willing to play with me??????? LINSTER , and KENNY, I KNOW YOU DOOOOOOOOO!!!! http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=nSTUVEsUBG4 MG::blunt
  4. DM Batman

    If you had wun wish what would it be???

    If I had wun wish I would wish I would of never fell out of a truck and screwed my back... I have a dislocated disc that affects my lower back,it happened about 4yrs ago at my dad's place. I missed a step and fell from 7 feet onto some concrete hitting my back into it...It knock the wind out...