
  1. D

    Superbowl foods/snacks suggestions?

    Well, like a lot of people, im going to a Superbowl party on Sunday. so tomorrow me and some friends are going to go to the store and get a whole bunch of food. im pretty sure everything is going to sound good at the store, so i just need some lists of really good snacks and food ideas for the...
  2. D

    Best superbowl commercials?

    k most of the superbowl commercials wernt that good but there were some i liked. this 1 made me lmfao the most the 1st time, but now its not that funny the Doritos one was pretty funny (with the globe)...
  3. D

    Who Will Win The Superbowl!??!?!!

    who wins the super bowl the giants or the patriots.