
  1. OUTL4W

    Black Ops 2 double XP weekend is live, go shoot each other online

    Add to My News Story by Stephany Nunneley Sat, Jul 27, 2013 | 15:47 BST Black Ops 2 players on all formats can participate in a double XP event this weekend. It’s currently happening. This should give you an opportunity to show off some of your new personalization packs as well. Enjoy...
  2. C

    When you first learned how to shoot (game wise)

    This is a thread in which we can all tell about how, when, and where our sharpshooting skills were born amongst our gaming careers! For me in was March, 16th, 2005 and I was playing Battlefield 2: Modern Combat on the PS2 (Ik some of you think it's a gay game but to me it was much more than a...
  3. DM CptReilly

    Shoot 'Em Up

    If you are looking for action, and an entertaining movie, look no further. Shoot Em Up offers some well over the top action and a lot of great humor (it is an action movie, but it spends a lot of time making fun of the action genre). The characters are great, the effects are awesome, the story...