
  1. DM xAsSaSsiiNo-

    Man dis shit bout made me piss myself

    http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=105589941751&comments omg hope the link works shit is too funny
  2. DM Lordlander

    Wanna piss someone off?

    Here, piss off this guy. eliasdcc@live.c I told him i was a chick haha, there's so many of these fags on omegle. So yeah, email him, call him a fag, 40 year old douche, whateva. Kthxbai
  3. DM CptReilly

    Things that piss you off more than anything else

    Ok, so I took my polygraph test today, and the Detective accused me of lying about 2 questions that I TOLD THE TRUTH ON! This is what pisses me off above all else: Being accused of something I didnt do. -It happened when I was 5, at a soccer game we did the line up and high 5 the losers...