
  1. DM Nebula7

    Sgt Nebula7

    Today I tried to get on only to have my account already logged in on MOH, I thought to myself what the hell. Then I realized O FUCK! I tried to click the forgot password button but it said it has too many forgot password sendings or something like that. So now my Sgt Nebula7 account is...
  2. DM Nebula7

    Sgt Nebula7

    hmmmm, i shudve done this sooner... My name is Marshal, i am 16 i played MOH:H most of u know, i now play SOCOM FTB2 with slayah and some former MOH:H players, my sn is Nebula7 and i love old muscle cars, death metal...hmmm i cant think of anything else the best way 2 contact me is socom ftb2...