
  1. DM CptReilly

    CPT's Roadtrippin'

    Ok so the Buffs had a road game at Kansas St. and we loaded up a bus and headed out on Friday morning at 7am... The night before, my friend had this huge pre-Halloween blowout, and I had to go straight from that party, to the bus x[ We arrived in Manhattan, KS, and hit the bars right away -.-...
  2. DM CptReilly

    The Hail-nado at the CPT's house.

    Ok so I would have posted this earlier but I couldn't find my camera cable until now. Here's a recap of the storm that hit my house a few weeks back: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/20126587/detail.html Here are some pixxx from my house! There was a LOT of hail I know flash fail, but...
  3. DM CptReilly

    The CPT's NCAA 09 Highlights O_o

    Ok so you can upload your highlights from NCAA Football 09 to the internets and watch them! So here is just a little taste of my poonage: I'm Oklahoma here against UF, get pooned Gators, GET POONED! http://www.easportsworld.com/en_US/video/2679594 Same game, just a RIDICULOUS option play...
  4. DM CptReilly

    The CPT's schedule/Other News

    Ok starting tomorrow I think I will be finished moving back up to my apartment for school, this apartment DOES NOT have internets yet! I will try to get it set up ASAP but I will be away for a while :thumbdown:. I am working at the bookstore at my school ALL DAY EVERYDAY next week bc all the...
  5. DM CptReilly

    The CPT's Camping Trip

    This past weekend I went backpacking in the Lost Creek Wilderness Area: http://www.aroundcolorado.com/trip_reports/2004_0612_LostCreek/ that site has an awesome slideshow of the same trail that we followed. I went with my buddy Fred from work and his pit bull Sakura. Here are some pics...
  6. V

    CPT's Theme Song
