
  1. DM TStreets

    Modding consoles

    I was just wondering if anybody here has or does mods for their systems. im more for soft mods if you know them just for the less % of bricking your system. I know yeah I can YouTube and read forums about this and I have. but the ones I have some the info might not be up to date or missing...
  2. DM Poisoned

    What is the biggest DM team on all the consoles?

    I just want to know for the fun of it. What is the biggest DM capacity? here is RR: Roster 1: Batman Caspriel DUKE666Nukem(aka Undead) StRiiker X(aka Forsaken Fate) Col_Reaper KevinThao1 DeadWithImpact(aka Mrico) Messi CantOwnMe-(aka Cheese) Roster 2: ToRNaDo412 Me Shoot2Kill Chad1312...