
  1. DM Morbid

    DMS Community

    Well guys, i think i found the PS3 team a community very similar to ours. The "Drunken Monkey Style" clan. Right now, they too are looking for teams to scrim with for bfbc2 and codbo while awaiting the release of BF3/MW3. So, i think some of yall should make an effort to form a friendship...
  2. iQuiKShOt 4L

    MoHH2 Community site for all mohh2 players New site made to get old/new and retired mohh2 playas together...its going well so far..check it out..
  3. DM Poisoned

    Resistance Retribution community website

    so, yea.. Me and S2K were talking, and then we decided to make a website for all of the RR players to join. Not just DM, but ALL RR players, like those that hang in the lobby that arent part of DM. Since most dont visit our site, maybe this can help boost traffic.and its for fun and to be able...