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  1. F

    Back again

    Its been about a year since I showed my face around here. I must say I like the site and what y'all did with it, looks clean. Im just back around and saying hello and seeing whats new and whose who. Glad to see this site is still around and fairly active.
  2. F

    Hey bro sorry bout not doing the team thing got caught up in other things

    Hey bro sorry bout not doing the team thing got caught up in other things
  3. F

    Hey RPN

    Didnt want to do the PM so I made a thread. /Open.
  4. F

    Hey RPN

    you said you had a team taht was just for shits and giggles you think me and my friends could use it and run with y'all. If not its cool just thought itd be cool to get our feet wet.
  5. F

    Ps3 GB team?

    Thats always been the case.
  6. F

    Old Friends

    Im Royal1Wun
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    Old Friends

    I remember you
  8. F

    Shooting in Connecticut

    The answer is restricted gun laws. There is no answer to this. What needs to happen is learn what happened and why and how it could be prevented again. The answer is lodged in the problem. Terrible to hear though, truely a disgusting act.
  9. F

    Hello again.

    Hey hombre, nadie está hablando a usted así que ¿por qué no establecen. Sé cómo utilizar traducir demasiado
  10. F

    Hello again.

    Hey guys! I've found quite a bit of players to play with and y'all are pretty fun. Playing with friends is a lot better than playing with people who speak spanish. I just made a topical funny cuz people can relate to the amount of spanish speaking people who play...its amazing what you can do...
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    PS3 people

    I've tried that, still not working. I've even reset my settings to default. :(
  12. F

    PS3 people

    I cant get my mic headset to work. I accidnetly selected under the accessory tab to "no input" and now I cant switch it back, anybody know what to do
  13. F

    Hello again.

    I havnt tried the zombies yet, but omg this game is so fun. DM Bowser, Im not huge on them but if you need me to fill a spot on a team I'll work my hardest
  14. F

    Hello again.

    Well Im not sure if I did anything wrong but the thread was closed and I didnt have a chance to answer any questions. My names Nick and I play PS3, I just got BO2 and Im actually writing this as Im waiting for the update to download. My favorite color is squirrel and my favorite food is...
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    Im Frequence