Search results

  1. S

    So.... I am still looking for COD5 team.

    I need information about tryouts and such, please get back to me.
  2. S

    Looking for Dedicated COD5 Clan.

    GT is Superiorfire. I need to learn any of the strategys and tactics that you guys use, so a shit load of training is a given.
  3. S

    Looking for Dedicated COD5 Clan.

    HA! I could never go without COD5 for a week, it's in my blood.
  4. S

    Looking for Dedicated COD5 Clan.

    I play COD5 on 360. I am the top 3 in every matchmaking game. (#1 most of the time) I want to join a clan that uses squad based tactics and strategy. I want to learn, and I want to teach. I am a huge fan of the chain of command.