if its our time to go, its time, cant do anything aobut it. so i dont worry about it much. if u look at history, almost every generation believed they were the last
creatine powders waters up your muscles to look bigger. muscles are 75% water. but do not take it when you are a young teenager because supposedly it will stunt your growth unless u want to be short. at my age (15) weight training is fine and use protein powders. but if creatine doesnt stunt ur...
fuckkk the only place near me is in LA i wanna see that shit so bad.
legend has it that when steven speilberg watched it he got locked in his room. he then later brang it to work in a trash bag. But steven redid the ending. was it any better? please no spoiler
everdream lives in mexico city and his phone number is 5540985593 no joke. PRANK CALLS FOR EVERYONE. lol too bad u aint gettin into the phone lines in mexico =[
but if firevice was thinking about what we are thinking then we all must be thinking that he is thinking about what we are thinking so we are thinking our on thoughts.
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