in his diss song "Loose Change" against 50 cent, he mispells the word Murder
skip to 1:29 and you will clearly hear him spell it out : M-U-R-E-D-R Inc.
lol fail
Fucking bullshit man, he beat me every 1v1 with him on no AA
its pisses me off losing so fucking bad to someone who dissess DM and someone who fucking taunts alot.
(Tito goes online)
x-Dead_Legend-x: sup nubcake
Unholy-Snipe-: fk DM
x-Dead_Legend-x: ?
x-Dead_Legend-x: you can leave anytime y'know
Unholy-Snipe-: im not tito
x-Dead_Legend-x: that explains
Unholy-Snipe-: is DM gud
x-Dead_Legend-x: face their players and youll know...
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