Search results

  1. DM Marine

    Black Ops II

  2. DM Marine

    say something about the person above you!

    is my recruit
  3. DM Marine

    say something about the person above you!

    is da king of kings
  4. DM Marine

    1v3 Clutch For DM :D

    nice clutch there dude
  5. DM Marine

    say something about the person above you!

    should thank me for bring back this thread
  6. DM Marine

    Hello again.

    Psn Marine_Kills_ if u wanna add
  7. DM Marine

    PS3 Black Ops II Team Information

    says the nigga who went down 26 times....
  8. DM Marine

    PS3 Black Ops II Team Information

    who gives a ***? im just playin with ya
  9. DM Marine

    Everybody Needs To Add Me Cause I'm Back !

    add me Marine_Kills_ i'll try to add you first tho
  10. DM Marine

    Mitt Romney assassination plot

    Too bad he lost
  11. DM Marine

    Assassin's Creed 3, fuck yeah!

    the trolls beat me to it
  12. DM Marine

    PS3 Black Ops II Team Information

    Invite Me Marine_Kills_
  13. DM Marine

    Assassin's Creed 3, fuck yeah!

    Worst Ending ever
  14. DM Marine

    What do you love?

    hellz yea that chicken taste good as hell
  15. DM Marine

    What do you love?

    I love KFC
  16. DM Marine

    Black Ops II

    youtube removed the video.... lol
  17. DM Marine

    say something about the person above you!

    fail to be a leader
  18. DM Marine

    Mitt or Obama?

    does it really matter? they're both in the illuminati
  19. DM Marine

    bf3,sc4, mag

    wait til black ops 2
  20. DM Marine

    say something about the person above you!

    has a creepy avatar 0.0