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  1. DM RC-blazer

    If con put up a youtube video......

    I joined because Morbid made this. <3 Morbid. Fuck the hatters. =P
  2. DM RC-blazer

    COD Killer?

    Agreed. (10 char)
  3. DM RC-blazer

    COD Killer?

    Black ops graphics look like crappy playdoh at times.
  4. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    Name is....... Fuck...
  5. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    We should have babies.
  6. DM RC-blazer


    Man, why do they never get back? =L
  7. DM RC-blazer

    If con put up a youtube video......

    xD! He needs some slapping a round to show him...
  8. DM RC-blazer

    Waffles for Breakfast?

    Herp derp, I over react easily.
  9. DM RC-blazer

    BF3 Sniper Game PLay

    Nice, I might just download this ow. =) Btw sim, dark reds not your thing bro. =(
  10. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    0.0 Is my main man! have my babies.
  11. DM RC-blazer

    Royal's farewell.

    Don't worry Bro, if we all do what we can, we will always be here.
  12. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    Has an awesome avatar.
  13. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    xD True I guess, become the first leader in badassery, you being mah co-leader. =P
  14. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    Quickscopes, because Hardscoping is for pussies.
  15. DM RC-blazer

    Royal's farewell.

    I'll miss you Roy, it's been a honor to get to know the guy who made DM possible! If this is what you want, I'll respect that. I just wish I got to know you more. But please visit often, it won't be the same without you! Good luck with life Bro ( I hope it's okay I say that. =) ).
  16. DM RC-blazer

    So I guess you're not coming here anymore...=(

    So I guess you're not coming here anymore...=(
  17. DM RC-blazer

    MW3: Fuck it.

    I don't care too much it's just marketing afterall. I didn't read it all, but my guess it's not here in the UK.
  18. DM RC-blazer

    BF3 BETA

    Somewhat relevant.
  19. DM RC-blazer

    say something about the person above you!

    177 posts, a pretty cool number.
  20. DM RC-blazer

    Before I get Banned again....

    You got a bb? =D 26BBA5C0