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  1. DM DraToR-

    Lets Count to 30K!

    Re: Lets Count to a Million! 10,558 I was Runnin Gunnin on Wasteland Using Last Stand is waste man! This isnt a race man Slow down the death pace man! Going 5 and 20? Is there really a smile on your face man?
  2. DM DraToR-

    Nazi Zombies cool movie/video

    i already posted a thread of this :D
  3. DM DraToR-

    The Almighty Condoms

    LMFAO dont be adversting
  4. DM DraToR-

    Nazi Zombie Real Life watch its epic
  5. DM DraToR-

    say something about the person above you!

    HunTeR got mad at me
  6. DM DraToR-

    Lets Count to 30K!

    Re: Lets Count to a Million! 10 550 A penis has a sad life. His hair is a mess, his family is nuts, his neighbour is an asshole, his bestfriend is a pussy and his owner beats him!
  7. DM DraToR-

    Lets Count to 30K!

    Re: Lets Count to a Million! 10,549 An elephant asks a camel, "Why do you have 2 boobs on your back?" The camel says, "That's a very stupid question coming from someone who has a dick on their face".
  8. DM DraToR-

    Hi Guys

    Welcome to DM Stay Loyal! :D
  9. DM DraToR-

    Lets Count to 30K!

    Re: Lets Count to a Million! 10,545!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. DM DraToR-

    DM Car!

    LMFAO Nice!!!
  11. DM DraToR-

    Lets Count to 30K!

    Re: Lets Count to a Million! 10,515 So there was this crazy party at my ESTATE last night, which was located next to a TERMINAL, in AFGHAN, just 10 miles from a local QUARRY. Everyone was totally wasted. The place was like a SCRAPYARD. There was this girl that said she wanted to DERAIL...
  12. DM DraToR-

    Modern Warfare 2 MythBusters

    No Problem DR !
  13. DM DraToR-

    Modern Warfare 2 MythBusters

    Episode 7 is up!
  14. DM DraToR-

    zzirGrizz MW2 Map Tutorial

    Favela and Crash are up
  15. DM DraToR-

    PS3 Portable ID

    <a href=""><img src="" width="230" height="155" border="0" /></a><br/><a href="">Get your Portable ID!</a>
  16. DM DraToR-

    PS3 Portable ID

    Im The one who showed razor this :D!!
  17. DM DraToR-

    Easily the worst GB team ive ever seen

    LMFAO they deleted there team
  18. DM DraToR-

    Capture Card

    U must be Rich andy can u ask ur parents to adpot me
  19. DM DraToR-

    Vacation as well =)

    Have Fun In Orlando!
  20. DM DraToR-

    Retiring :(

    Nooooooooo S2K!