hey morbid toonami told me to messege you about joining the mw3 team im 1rst prestige lvl 64 im pretty good i got my xbox on christmas and im always on my gamer tag is D4 Pr0f3Ss3 plz wright back or add me
hey guys i just want to let you know that i would like to try out for your mw3 team on the 360 i got the game with my xbox saterday im alretty 1rst prestige but i did hear from someone that you only let like 18 and older on your team and im only 14 so let me know if i can try out
like what are u looking for like does it matter if my K D is high or low r how many kills i averge a game r stuff like that r am i gunna have 2 1v1 someone because how i got rucruited last time was just that they saw me play a real match and they let me on the team hahaha
thats just wow krysis idk if u remember me but i use 2 play on wii with u and my wii broke so now i got a 360 and will start playing when im allowed 2 use it after christmas hahaha but dude ik some hackers on wii and i can c if i can get them 2 hack u back so messege me and ill c wat i can do
ill never forger my wii bros haha and actually im alretty good on the 360 because i play it alot at my freinds house so when i rank up a bit im gunna try out for the mw3 team
hello my name is da professe and i was in DM on the wii but my wii broke so i got a 360 for Christmas but I cant play yet but still ill b on in a little and I would like to play with the DM clan on the 360 and favorite games are cod games im vey good at them on black ops i was 15 prestege lvl...
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