hunt i got the ps3 first then the xbox 360 so trying to adjust to that controller when i've been playing ps2 and ps3 for like my whole life was a like a long 3 month rage quit extravaganza and i'm still not as good as i am skill wise on xbox 360 compare to ps3 so if you want to get a 360 yeah...
from what i heard from Wings of Redemption is that when you scope in it won't scope in where you scope in, it will be random.
If you don't know wings look him up on youtube he knows his stuff
hey michigan i would like to join
PSN : xT-A-N-Kx
Gamebattles account name : VII-Tank-VII
by the way i used to be part of the tdm team too if u want to send an invite for that
my favorite are grizz's well its a three part montage so here are all the links. im sure most of you have already seen these but if u havent WHAT R U WAITING FOR CLICK IT ALREADY ITS AWESOME!
part 1
part 2...
i need to re add snipamasta bc i made a new psn called xT-A-N-Kx since playing on a psn thats already 10th prestige level 70 is boring. O and michigan i tried readding u but u friends was full so next time u get on if theres some1 that u dont play with can u make room for me?
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