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  1. DM CptReilly


    WWWOOOO!!!! I don't have cable or internets at my apt so I missed the game :[ but way to go!! Rapids finally won it! *nut chops every other state in the US*
  2. DM CptReilly

    Black man loves pokemon Ima catch every one of those muthafuckas
  3. DM CptReilly

    Thread-Worthy Quotes!

    The search tool is leeeeggggiiiiitttt
  4. DM CptReilly

    HOW I really FEEL ABOUT DM!

    TWSS? ugh ten charrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  5. DM CptReilly

    Entire MoH Series Ratings

    ! ^This. Mohh2 rated higher than mohh?! *brain explodes*
  6. DM CptReilly

    Batman is going on vacation to Keystone,Colorado !!!!!!!

    Dammit Bat you are coming early??!?! I'm gonna have to drive up to Breck and put up the bat signal to find you
  7. DM CptReilly

    Wu-Tang Clan can now officially be fucked with. Disappointed face.
  8. DM CptReilly

    Information on Call Of Duty: Black Ops

    LMFAO about Carmelo xD
  9. DM CptReilly

    hahahahahah funny video

    Ummm DM DecisiveKill has the most epic avatar ever.
  10. DM CptReilly

    hahahahahah funny video

    It looks like he has some kind of dwarfism going on in his body, but not in his head... hmmm Anyway, that's a lot more ballsy than anything I would post.
  11. DM CptReilly

    HaPPy B-Day esSKay!!!

    Happy birthday SK The big 1 3
  12. DM CptReilly

    Happy Birthday MajorMeat

    Happy birthday Major Meat! Here's to another year of having the coolest wife and the coolest kids and the most intensely flipped over truck ever! CHEERS! ::cheers
  13. DM CptReilly

    I need help ASAP!

    I am omniscient I am everywhere I am everything I am saturated I am white I am sunburned I am ridiculed I am ginger I am ripped I am exhausted I am driven I am Cpt Really I am outside your window No, like really I am, go look
  14. DM CptReilly

    Teabagging In Real Life?

    People from the South... I swear.
  15. DM CptReilly

    Teabagging In Real Life?

    Wow those kids in the vid took it to another level... exposed?? wtf Just the motion is what im talkin about lol
  16. DM CptReilly

    Anti-Kinect Sony Website xD Don't worry it isn't the pronmo... or is it? I guess it depends on how much you care about the kinect/playstation vibrator debate.
  17. DM CptReilly

    Teabagging In Real Life?

    So playing video games, teabagging is hilarious, humiliating, and pretty much a universal sign of "lol I'm>u" So how well does teabagging translate to real life? Last spring I was playing football with some friends and I made a sick catch for a TD, and as my celebration, I set the ball down...
  18. DM CptReilly


    I like how Drator specifies the reason for adding someone lmao. Welcome Osi gofuckasheep
  19. DM CptReilly

    My Modded Xbox 360

    I'm strongly considering stripping Vik of the "Blind Man" title and giving it to you Wick. The first 1:15 of that vid was like all carpet and a little bit of 360. "Look at this chrome right here" yeah I'm sure its cool but I cant see it. Anyway, for the last 30sec, the thing was in view...
  20. DM CptReilly


    Ok I actually watched it. There are claymores, so Im setting up my tent now to buy this. also, those Valkyrie rockets... can you say Slayer from Perfect Dark?