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  1. DM MysterySock

    New RBS update!

    they also fixed that crap where you can knife a guy over and over
  2. DM MysterySock

    New RBS update!

    It will probably still be a terrible game but after two months they announce on twitter the update they have been working on for two months is in final testing with SonyQA. It will fix connection issues like joining a lobby and it never starting. Also the Mule with be nerfed. two months for that..
  3. DM MysterySock

    Black Ops 2 Multiplayer

    haha made me laugh. after bashing the game, will only buy cuz of friends
  4. DM MysterySock

    Black Ops 2 Multiplayer

    A few months after it comes out everyone will say its the worst game ever. I hope the multiplayer is good on vita not complete shit like Resistance
  5. DM MysterySock

    To all the PS Vita owners

    ive had it. up for a fight anytime:D
  6. DM MysterySock

    RR on Vita

    Yeah just saw that.. well that sucks
  7. DM MysterySock

    RR on Vita

    you can now buy RR on the psvita store. just thought id tell you guys!:D
  8. DM MysterySock

    Fuck off Deathrow

    Whataburger is where its at!
  9. DM MysterySock

    DM PC Gaming

    You guys could try Blacklight Retribution it kinda looks like Battlefield. It's free to play off steam
  10. DM MysterySock

    Playstation Network Members List

    Lol that was Tor on RR with that add that was just in a private room all the time?
  11. DM MysterySock

    Kid Dies After 40 Hour Gaming Marathon

    When black first came out my friend got it and I got it in December he was already 4th prestige and he bet me 20$ that I couldn't catch up to him in 2 days well I played around 20ish hours straight pretty much no lifed it all for 20 dollars xD. I actually ended up being 6th prestige at the end...
  12. DM MysterySock

    Cure For Boredom?

    Music, Minecraft, Mortal Kombat on vita
  13. DM MysterySock

    Resistance Vita Team?

    I quit playing because people would spam the shit Out of me to play with them it's annoying as fuck.
  14. DM MysterySock

    DM Minecraft server?

    Anyone who knows how to start up a server want to start a DM server on PC?
  15. DM MysterySock

    Resistance:Burning Skies Overview

    I haven't been disconnected ever since the patch. And I haven't seen any glitches. And ig played over 200 games.
  16. DM MysterySock

    Resistance:Burning Skies Overview

    I'd say yes of you want a fun game. But if you want to play online with friends id say no because there is not really a way to be on the same team in a game. It just picks the teams randomly so sometimes you will be on the other team instead of with your friends.
  17. DM MysterySock

    Resistance:Burning Skies Overview

    I think the game is amazing. Not nearly as good as RR though. I hope they make a 4v4 ladder for it on GB.
  18. DM MysterySock

    Resistance Vita Team?

    I like it.
  19. DM MysterySock

    Resistance Vita Team?

    Its fucking fixed!:D got into a game first try
  20. DM MysterySock

    Resistance Vita Team?