Recent content by DM Jugga777

  1. D

    Battlefield 3 update #1

    add me peoples
  2. D

    The BF3 team ps3

    I'm in but I can't be on too often
  3. D

    say something about the person above you!

    Favorite ice cream flavor is schweddy balls
  4. D

    say something about the person above you!

    Isn't dead
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    BF3 BETA

    Didn't the code even though I have MOH LE...
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    Battlefield 3

    Why's it matter?
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    MW3 multiplayer gameplay

    Ill get it but BF3 will be better, and I'd appreciate it if someone will give me the maps since there's no way in hell I'm payin $15 for a map pack
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    Sorry lol I was just mentioning the people I saw that posted here
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    say something about the person above you!

    Will get owned by me in BF3
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    Besides you me raven and fill no one here probably has played a BF game so they wouldn't understand
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    say something about the person above you!

    Smokes too much
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    Playstation Network Members List

    My psn is in all caps btw
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    Marcelo is a fucking criminal

    WTF lol===
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    BO or MW2?

    liar lol (10 char)