LMFAO R.I.P noobs
Digital Massacre.
Hello everyone, this is Lightmare. I'm sad to inform you that Digital Massacre is officially closed. It's just gotten to a point where we don't want to continue the clan.. and not to mention that some of us don't even play cod anymore in the first place. DM has come a long way since August 2010.. we managed to have over 70 members for a good duration of the clan. That's more than we could ever have imagined for a clan that never wars. We have to be true to ourselves and realize everything good must come to an end and that we simply can not continue something that is not worth saving. All of us that have been here since the beginning or for a long time have become busy with life, and I think I'm speaking for the majority of us when I say that DM had a good run and that it's time to just let go. I've spoken with each leader and the consensus is that we are closing, for good. Thank you to everyone who's ever been apart of DM (even those of you who like to start drama) and just know that this isn't good bye forever unless you choose to let that happen.
As for the direction of the leaders.. Bailey and I are going back to our old web community where we can relocate our people who aren't as immature as most of the cod community. Matt will most likely be with us, but he'll most likely hang out at different Xat chats. is coming with us, We have no idea where Mitchell will be headed and so is Mitchell.. but when in doubt all of us can be contacted through xat if needed. The 4 of us are really the only ones who remain that have been in DM since forever ago. It's hard letting go, but it's just what we have to do.
On behalf of all of the current leaders at DM, farewell.
Renee Lightmare
August 2010 - November 2011