^^^^This.i dont think so bro, the game comes out in a few days and DM isnt ready for it yet....who the heck is gonna lead black ops? whos gonna b co leader? how many teams are there gonna b? then I heard rico, andy..etc are gonna make a dream/rainbow/idk wtf it is, it has a weird name...well anyways u guys are DM...so why the fk ya havin ya own team? ya niggas embarrased to b w us cause ppl like me are new and dont really know how to play COD? ya niggas think ya nasty or something? if ya were really DM AND BROTHERS AND DEDICATED TO THIS CLAN...ya would help us out or something.
Anyway, Royal made a thread about it.DM leader will be Batman and co leader is Pure Breed.Thread link :http://www.dmclanforum.com/showthread.php?t=27590